About us

The website isahayata.com (आई सहायता डॉटकॉम) was founded in 2023 and offers free various types of tools, calculators, and multi-category blogs. Our aim is to help working professionals, students, and other individuals simplify and optimize their day-to-day routine tasks and enhance efficiency and productivity.

Social Media Presence: We are available on the various social platforms such as Youtube, pinterest, Quora  more…

About us Isahayata.com Tools

isahayata.com include the various tools which will enhance the working professional, student and other individual efficiency and productivity the tools list includes pdf to image, image to pdf, pdf split and pdf merge,image crop, image rotate, image compress, image converter, image to webp converter, QR Code generator, excel to CSV converter, CSV file merge, Word and character counter, text to speech and comma delimiter Data Storage Units, IP Lookup Tool, and Internet Speed Checker and many more.

isahayata.com Calculators


As isahayata.com, the aim is to simplify and optimize the day-to-day routine tasks and enhance the efficiency and productivity help with this offering many types of calculator, which include the SIP, Lumpsum, Loan, Gratuity, GST, Overtime Salary, BMI Daily Water Intake, Daily Protein Intake, Calculator, Marks Percentage, CGPA & Percentage, Scientific, Duration, Units and discount.

Isahayata.com BlogsBlogs

As isahayata.com, the aim is to simplify
In the context of blogs, we are here to offer free blogs to all the readers who are interested. Our blogs include rich content relating to multiple topics such as how to blog, online shopping, digital marketing, data analytics, artificial intelligence and more.


Our Users

All the service offers on isahayata.com are completely free for everyone and accessible for everyone no matter where they are in the world. Working professionals, students, bloggers, business organizations, and others are users of our websites. We believe that our free tools, calculators, and blogs can help in everybody’s growth, whether you want to work with your pdf files, images, technology tools, or text tools. In the calculators category, you want to do calculations of a systematic investment plan, lump sum, loanEMI, health BMI, water and protein intake, age, educational marks percentage calculator, and free how-to blogs for everyone in the world.

Tools: isahayata.con offers various types of tools, including pdf tools such as pdf to image, image to pdf, pdf split, and pdf merge; image tools such as image crop, image rotate, image compress, image converter, image to webp converter, QR Code generator; text tools such as excel to CSV converter, CSV file merge, Word and character counter, text to speech and comma delimiter, and many more.

Calculator: The isahayata.com also offers various types of calculators, which include financial calculators such as SIP Calculator, Lumpsum Calculator, Loan Calculator, Graduity Calculator, GST Calculator, and Overtime Salary Calculator; health calculators such as BMI Calculator, Daily Water Intake Calculator, Daily Protein Intake Calculator, and Age Calculator;  educational such as Marks Percentage Calculator, CGPA & Percentage Calculator, Scientific Calculator, Duration Calculator, and Unit Calculator; technical calculators such as Data Storage Unit Calculator, IP Lookup Tool, and Internet Speed Checker; last but not least, shopping calculators such as Discount Calculators Currency converter, cost comparison, and more.

Blogs: Isahayata will also provide rich contents of blogs and news related to online shopping, such as online purchases from Amazon; buying the cheapest hosting and domain from Hostinger.com and various types of technological blogs and educational blogs, which include digital marketing, data analytics, artificial intelligence, and many more. Stay tuned with isahayata.com.


PDF Tools

Isahayata.com offers various PDF tools to enhance overall productivity, such as if you want to merge multiple pdf files, split pdf pages, convert images to pdf, or vice versa.

  • PDF Merge : The PDF merge tool combines multiple pdf files into one single file.
  • Images to PDF Converter: This tool converts an image into PDF format and can do this task in very little time.
  • Images to Pdf Converter: This tool can help people convert their pdf page into a jpg file.
  • PDF Split: The PDF Split tool can split your PDF pages in seconds. 

Image Tools 

Isahayata.com Image tools solving people’s problems who are still struggling to process the images, such as cropping images, converting jpg to png and jpg to jpg, rotating images, and changing the format any image to Webp to reduce the size of the image, can generate QR codes efficiently and faster.

  • Image Compress : Image compression reduces the size of the image.
  • Images Cropping: It helps to cut the extra portion of the image.
  • Image Format Converter: It changes the image format from jpg to png and png to jpg.
  • Image Rotate: It helps to adjust the orientation of the image.
  • WebP Image Converter: It converts any image into WebP and reduces image size.
  • QR Code Generator: It generates QRs of text and URLs in different image sizes.

Text Tools

Start working with our text tools to improve the overall efficiency, whether you need to convert an excel file into csv files, merge multiple CSV files into one, count words and characters, or read an article and want to listen to what you write using a text speech tool and comma delimiter helps to separate the text by comma and other.

  • Excel to CSV Converter: It converts the Excel file into CSV files very efficiently.
  • CSV Merge: It combines the multiple CSV files into one.
  • Words and Char Counter: This is a very special tool that can count words and characters as well as remove the extra white spaces.
  • Text Reader: It helps to read the texts.
  • Comma Delimiter : This tool helps to separate the text by comma and other sign.

Technology tools

We offer various technology-based tools that help you learn about technology insights, such as if you want to know what your IP address is, how to convert data storage types, for example, GB to MB, and how to use an how to use an Internet speed checker to calculate the broadband speed of your internet connection.

  • Data Storage Converter: This tool helps to convert and calculate the data storage type, such as how many megabytes are in gigabytes.
  • IP Lookup Tool: This tool lets you know your IP address.
  • Internet speed tester: This tool helps know the internet connection speed.


Financial Calculators

We offer the ultimate financial tools for your investment and financial planning, such as calculating the monthly SIP, calculating lump sum investment amount returns, loan EMI calculations, calculating the return of your service in an organization using a gratuity calculator, a GST calculator to help calculate taxes, and last but not least, an overtime salary calculator to help you calculate the extra hourly payout of employees.

  • SIP Calculator: It calculates your systematic investment plan and gives you an idea of the returns on your investments.
  • Lump Sum Calculator: This too calculates the returns on your lump sum investments.
  • Loan Calculator: This calculator helps you calculate the loanEMI tenure, interest, and loan amount to be paid.
  • Gratuity Calculator: It calculates the return on your service earned from an organization. 
  • GST Calculator: You can calculate how much goods and services tax is on a product or service.
  • Overtime Salary Calculator: This helps to calculate the extra hour payout.

Health Calculators

Health is the most important part of our wellbeing. Isahayata.com offers free health monitoring and tracking calculators such as those for calculating the Body Mass Index (BMI), our  daily water intake, and how much protein our body requires. You can calculate using a daily protein intake calculator, and our age calculator lets you know how old you are in days, months, and years.

  • BMI Calculator: This helps you to know your body mass index.
  • Daily Water Intake Calculator: It calculates your body’s daily water requirement based on age, activity level, and automatic climate detection.
  • Daily protein intake calculator: This calculator will let you know how much protein your body requires daily.
  • Age Calculator: This calculator helps you to know your age in days, months, and years.

Educational Calculators

Isahayata.com offers various calculators for students to enhance their academic performance and give them new experiences in their learning. These calculators include the Marks calculator, CGPA to percentage and percentage to CGPA, a scientific calculator for advanced calculations, duration calculation between dates, and last but not least, unit converters such as CM to MTR and more.

  • Marks Percentage Calculator: This calculator helps students calculate their subjects’ wise marks in percentage.
  • CGPA & Percentage Calculator: This tool calculates the CGPA points into percentages and percentages into the CGPA.
  • Scientific Calculator: This calculator does your difficult and advanced calculations in seconds.
  • Duration Calculator: This calculator calculates the duration between two specific dates.
  • Unit Converter: This helps you convert the units, for example, how many cm in mtr.
  • Discount Calculator: This tool helps to calculate the discount on the product price and offers various currencies, such as INR and USD.